Wednesday, May 2, 2012

A Simply Wild Two Days!

Matt has had quite a few strange experiences in the past 2 days. It began with him wearing an entire bee suit and following a beekeeping expert around the city to check on beehives. He is writing a feature, magazine article on 'The Unusual Places Beekeeping Can be Found in the Beehive State.' Needless to say, he needed the full experience.

"These bees can't sting me, right?" asked Matt apprehensively as a new hive was opened and a swarm of agitated bees suddenly surrounded him, clinging to his suit and filling his ears with an overwhelming buzzing...Ironically though, he was more scared of the chickens pecking around the garden, than of the thousands of bees.

The day became more interesting when later on he received a knock at his front door from a man in a tailored suit, who flashed a badge. "I'm a private investigator here to speak with a Mr. Matt Jaggi."

"That's me," Matt said apprehensively. As they took a seat in Matt's living room, the investigator began asking Matt a series of questions regarding his old roommate from 3 years ago. Since Matt was about as close to his old roommate as a head of broccoli is to a chunk of strawberry trifle with ice-cream, he was struggling with the questions.

"Did he ever speak with, or try to help people from outside the country?"

"Err, I dunno?"

"Did he ever speak with foreign diplomats, or speak any foreign languages?"

"Um, I mean he was a popular and friendly guy, so he could have had friends in high places, but I dunno...What's this about again?" Matt asked.

"Just keep to the questions. Did he ever hang around questionable people?"

"No." The man raised his eyebrows. "Uh, yes? Maybe? I dunno? I mean he seemed pretty normal and nice. Except once he dated this weird girl who told me about a time she peed her pants. It was kinda awkward, and I was wondering if he had found her under a rock or something-" the investigator cleared his throat- "and, I'm not getting him into trouble am I? Because I'm pretty sure you should be talkin to his family and friends about this," Matt rambled.

And the questions continued for 20 minutes. Finally the man seemed pleased, and told Matt his answers would be shared with agencies. "Well this is just fun-tastic, I'm gonna get the poor guy in trouble," Matt replied.

He never did find out what the investigation was about and can only assume it was some sort of character background check for a job. Probably a job working with the CEO of Walmart. They are taking over the world after all...

The next day as Matt pulled into the parking lot at Sears, he noticed several police cars pulled over. As he looked closer he noticed the police men were surrounding a man who was sprawled, spread eagle style on the sidewalk. Matt wondered if it was the homeless man who sometimes sleeps in the bathroom at Sears. He looked either dead or stupified, but Matt is gonna pretend he was simply sleeping...

As Matt was leaving work later that night (stupified man and cops were gone), he received a frantic text from a friend. "Ohhhh my gosh! Do you remember (name removed) from our Fiction Workshop last semester? He is on the news right now!"

"Why?" Matt texted back. "For a nose-picking record?"

"No, you're confusing him with (blank) who always sat in the corner and wiped his boogers under his desk. I'm talking about the guy who always wrote bizarre stories about his dad."

"Oh ya! Hmmm, I'll check it out."

Matt was horrified when he got home to find out that his classmate was on the news because he had been stabbed 8 times by a Korean National in the Smith's Parking lot next to campus. Luckily he survived and was giving a winning and rather heartfelt interview on Channel 5. Matt felt bad for his classmate, and vowed to never laugh at the stories of his eccentric father ever again. He was also slightly jealous of the fact that his classmate now had seriously awesome story telling material to work with... Horrible thing to feel, but it's what it is.

Then to top things off, Matt thought all his wildest dreams were coming true when he received an invitation on facebook telling him that if he forwarded a message from Disney to 500 people, he would receive 4 free tickets to Disneyland! Wahoo!

So Matt promptly spent a lavish amount of time passing the email around, until he received a message from his friend Brian informing him that the person who had posted the Disneyland Ad had only been a member of facebook for 10 hours, and that there was no way for them to know if Matt had forwarded 500 people. It was obviously a scam.

Dang flabbit, what a shady thing to do! Get Matt all excited for Disneyland, then crush his hopes and dreams. Matt now wants to apologize to the 500 facebookers he forwarded the message to...

And that was the end of his two days.


  1. haha... i'd totally be more scared of the nasty chickens than the bees too! gosh matt... you have a homeless man that sleeps in the bathroom at your work?! yesterday, i was riding trax past this apartment building and there was this pigeon right outside the window sill of an open window. i totally would have freaked out if that was my window... the whole thing made me think of you. :)

  2. Yay! I made your blog and stopped needless spam from being spread any further! :)
