Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Haircuts and Halloween!

Matt simply loves his hair-stylist. A chique man who dresses flashy everyday as if he were heading to the club with Madonna, he never fails to entertain Matt.

As he stepped into the shop this evening, he found his hairdresser touching up his lofty tall hair in the mirror. "Hello Matt, how are you?!" the hairdresser exclaimed as he turned to face him. "What do you think of my new hair cut?"

"Wow, it's uh, really big." Matt responded politely.

"The higher the hair, the closer to Heaven dear," said his hairdresser as he patted the swivel chair for Matt.

Minutes later, as Matt's head was being jerked around and as his hair was littering the floor, his stylist (we'll call him Alejandro) casually asked him what he was going to be for Halloween. "Well, I was actually thinking of going as a zombie version of Shakespeare." The snips of the scissors immediately stopped.

Matt looked in the mirror to see a look of revulsion on Alejandro's face. His stylist then swore loudly, causing patrons to look up from their magazines.

"Oh Honey! No no no no no!" exclaimed Alejandro with hands on hips. "You CANNOT go dressed up like that!"

"Haha, um, why not?" Matt asked.

"Because," Alejandro emphasized with his scissors, "everyone will immediately know you're a geek! And granted, you ARE a geek, let's just be honest, but you fool most people cause you're cute and dress well. Now if you go as Zombie Shakespeare though, you're soooo blowing your cover sweet heart. No-one will ever wanna date you!"

Matt was in stitches laughing at Alejandro's brutal honesty. "Honestly Matt, sometimes the things you say absolutely astound me!" his hairdresser said as he began clipping away again.

Once Matt regained his composure, Alejandro spoke up. "So why we're on the topic of me bashing you, let me just say that those hideous black glasses you wore today have GOT TO GO." He then pointed to Matt's spectacles lying on the counter.

"Aww, Alejandro, what's wrong with my glasses?"

"Honey, it's called contact lenses. Show off those beautiful eyes of yours. Trust me, they're great."

"Some days I hate wearing contacts though, glasses are easier," said Matt as he ran his fingers through his hair.

"Stop playing with your hair, I'm not done," reprimanded Alejandro as he lightly slapped his wrist. Matt promptly withdrew his hand before the scissors intervened next. "Now, I don't ever want to see those glasses again. End of discussion."

"Fine," Matt sighed. "so what are you going to be for Halloween mister bossy pants?"

"Oh I'm thinking of being either a hot Scottie with a kilt, I'd be shirtless of course," responded his hairdresser brightly, "or else a merman. Again shirtless."

"Oh wow... Those are, uh, definitely sexy Alejandro."

"I know right? Much better than a grotesque Zombie Shakespeare costume anyways." said his hairdresser as he rolled his eyes.

Several minutes later, after Matt finished paying and was giving a short wave at the door, Alejandro yelled out- "It was good to see you! Don't wait so long for a hair-cut next time, you were lookin a bit scraggly! And remember honey, NO ZOMBIE SHAKESPEARE!"

Looks like Matt will need to find a new costume...