Sunday, February 19, 2012

The Orange Juice That Wasn't...

Matt had a pleasant Sunday. He slept in a little late, then went to church and felt all nice and happy afterwards. After church, he headed over to a friend's home for a Sunday brunch. It was his friend's birthday and Matt was excited to pop in and say hello and enjoy a good meal.

Since he arrived a little late, all the guests had food already. Matt wandered over to the kitchen and loaded his plate with some wonderful looking dishes. There was a delicious looking soup, breads with goat cheese and raspberries, and a fancy egg and potato dish. Matt was feeling thirsty though. He looked around and spotted a half empty container of orange juice. He set his plate down and walked over to the beverages. There were wineglasses to drink from, and Matt felt very fancy. There was already some orange juice poured in a fancy container sitting next to some beautiful colored bottles. Matt poured himself a glass and drank.

The first thing he noticed was that his orange juice seemed to have a bit of a 'zing' to it. It wasn't bad though, in fact it was kinda sweet. He drank the whole glass and poured another, wondering why the orange juice he bought never tasted like that. He then took his glass and plate and sat down in the living room with the other guests to enjoy brunch.

It was after the second full glass that Matt noticed he was feeling a little light headed. He was in a very chatty mood and was talking animatedly to complete strangers. Soon he was laughing in a very boisterous manner, and couldn't seem to stop. As he was draining his third full glass, a friend of his pulled him aside.

"Matt, I thought you didn't drink?"

"Ya, that's right, why do you ask," he laughed. His friend kind of snickered and tried to conceal a smile.

"Matt, you're drinking alcohol right now, and have had a few glasses..."

Matt stared with horror down at his orange juice that wasn't orange juice. He then started to laugh loudly and was on the verge of tears from laughing so hard.

"I thought it was orange juice! Oh how rich!" he exclaimed. Needless to say, everyone in the group had a case of the giggles as they explained to Matt what 'Mimosa was.' (A mix of champagne and orange juice). No wonder Matt loved it so much! Turns out they weren't pretty colored bottles for decoration in the kitchen. Good thing he didn't try the raspberry vodka as well. He thought it was fruit juice..

He has to say, he's never been drunk before, and the after effect was kinda nasty. He had a roaring headache for a while and fell asleep. While sleeping he dreamed over and over again that he was throwing up first in a toilet, then the trunk of his car, and again in a gym bag. He woke up feeling pretty nauseated and weak. He doesn't think he will be trying 'Mimosa' again anytime soon...

Sundays Matt always talks on the phone with his parents. As he woke up feeling groggy from his 3 hr nap, he called his mother up. They began chit chatting, and his mother asked him how his day was.

"It was nice. I went to church, then went to brunch at a friends house, drank some alcohol, then went home and took a nap. How was your day?"

Needless to say, his parents laughed and laughed and laughed at Matt's silly adventure.

And that is the tale of the orange juice that wasn't, and how a naive Mormon boy from Utah got drunk for the first time ;-)


  1. Ha ha ha!!!! Oh poor Matt! That is quite hilarious though! :)

  2. ROFL! Oh, dear. That is too funny. I love that you dreamed you were barfing. I half expected you to wake up and realize it wasn't a dream after all.

  3. Matt.... you need to add one more sentence to your blog post... AND YOUR LAST TIME! Hummmmmmmmmmmmm I am sure the bishop has never heard this one before !!!! Oh goodness.

  4. haha kinda forgot that one Lori! No worries, won't be happenin again ;)
